Fifty years since the first United Nations Conference on the Exploration and Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (1968 - 2018): UNISPACE+50

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BACK TO WORK 50+ connects struggling Americans 50+ with the information, support, training, and employer access they need to regain employment, advance in the workforce, and build financial capability and resiliency to prevent them from slipping into poverty later in life. Contact Yolanda Hughes 817-515-6150 Updated December 11, 2017.

Jefferson State is a proud sub-grantee of the SIF Program under a grant provided from the Corporation for National and Community Service to AARP Foundation. Members get a range of benefits, including materials, a vibrant peer community, and access to resources. Visit to learn more. Lumina Foundation is an independent, private foundation in Indianapolis that is committed to making opportunities for learning beyond high school available to all.

About the Plus 50 Initiative - The business case for hiring 50+ workers is clear: 50+ workers work harder, stay longer, and have all the soft skills employers need now. The Plus 50 program is here to help prepare the many adults age 50 and over who find themselves out of work or seeking to transition to a new career.

Никогда еще получение разведывательной информации не было столь легким делом. Шифры, перехваченные АНБ, вводились в «ТРАНСТЕКСТ» и через несколько минуты выплевывались из машины в виде открытого текста. Секретов отныне больше не существовало. Чтобы еще больше усилить впечатление о своей некомпетентности, АНБ подвергло яростным нападкам программы компьютерного кодирования, утверждая, что они мешают правоохранительным службам ловить и предавать суду преступников.

Участники движения за гражданские свободы торжествовали и настаивали на том, что АНБ ни при каких обстоятельствах не должно читать их почту.

17 October
Visit to learn more. Our goal is to prepare people for informed citizenship and for success in a global economy. BACK TO WORK 50+ connects struggling Caballeros 50+ with the information, support, training, and employer access they need to regain employment, advance in the workforce, and build financial capability and resiliency to prevent them from slipping into poverty later in life. Contact Yolanda Hughes 817-515-6150 Updated December 11, 2017. The Plus 50 program is here to la prepare the many adults age 50 and over who find themselves out of work or seeking to transition to a new career. BACK TO WORK 50+: WESI is available to all, without regard to race, color, national origin, disability, sex, age, political affiliation, or religion. Once you confirm that north, you will 50 plus 20 initiative receive communications related to AARP volunteering. In the next 24 hours, you will receive an email to confirm your subscription to receive emails related to AARP volunteering.